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April Meeting

We will hear from Guild member, Agnes Petruska, who received a Guild scholarship to attend a weaving workshop in Hungary last summer. Agnes will share photos and samples from the work she did and talk about traditional Hungarian weaving and embroidery.

Goleta Community Center, 5679 Hollister Avenue, 9:30 am meeting, 10:00 am call to order.

November Guild Meeting: Presentation on “Chumash Basketry: Art in the Life of Native Californians.”

Jan is Curator Emeritus of Ethnography at the SB Museum of Natural History. Chumash baskets have been widely admired since the first days of Spanish exploration. As both functional artifacts and objects of art, they are prized in museum and private collections around the world. Jan Timbrook will present an overview of the cultural context and diverse roles of basketry in the traditional daily life of Chumash peoples of southern California. She will then discuss the characteristics of Chumash basketry – weaving techniques, materials, design layout and patterns – and note the changes in designs, shapes and function that began with European settlement in the late 18th century.

July Guild Meeting – the 13th !!

Guild member, Annie Guillemette, will give a presentation on embroidery on Saturday, July 13th, at the next Fiber Arts Guild meeting. Annie will share her knowledge of embroidery through a power point presentation that will survey a range of embroidery skills and designs including her own work. She also plans to teach some basic skills and give members an opportunity to begin a hands on project. Annie will supply needles and some materials but feel free to bring your own embroidery supplies. 

We will be meeting in Room 7 at the Goleta Community Center, 5679 Hollister Ave, Goleta, CA.

November at the Guild, Members’ Show at the Faulkner Gallery in the Santa Barbara Public Library, 40 East Anapamu

The Show runs from November 2nd through November 29th, 2023

Opening Reception is November 2nd from 4-7 pm.

This exhibition by the Santa Barbara Fiber Arts Guild features diverse artistic works that center environment and change as our driving creative forces. Fiber Arts’ practices are always changing, we’ve learned, grown, and adapted to the world around us over our 70 years of Guild membership.

October 7th Guild Meeting

It’s a Field Trip! Let’s head south for some inspiration and a fun, artsy morning!  

We will meet at the Studio Channel Islands Art Center ( 2222 E. Ventura Blvd, Camarillo, CA 93010) to visit the studio of contemporary rug weaver, Regina Vorgang, and enjoy the First Saturday Open House of all of the artists at the Art Center. Regina’s exquisite one of a kind rugs are a treat and Regina is an experienced weaver with much to share.  We will meet at the Art Center at 10:30 am in the parking lot by the classrooms to share announcements then go to Regina’s studio for a demo. She will share her source for organic rug wool and we can see her 12 foot long loom. Be inspired and infused with creative energy.

Regina’s website is if you wish to get a preview of her work.

There will be time to visit other art studios to drink in the color, texture and creativity from many different mediums.  

The Studio Channel Islands Art Center is a 40 minute drive from Santa Barbara. Call another member to carpool and share the ride!  2222 E Ventura Blvd, Camarillo, CA 93010 

 Directions:  go south on 101. Take exit 54 to Ventura Blvd and turn left onto Ventura Blvd.   

The art center is housed in an old elementary school site on the right side of the road.  Follow the drive around to the parking area across from the classrooms. 

September 2nd Guild Meeting

September 2, 2023 Show and Tell from Dye Day and CNCH
Location: Church of Christ Multipurpose Room, 677 N Turnpike Rd

Time: 9:30 social time 10:00 brief business and then our program of show and tell!

Dye Day 2023 at Tucker’s Grove Park was another wonderful experience. Please come to our meeting ready to share what you created on Dye Day. For those that went to CNCH in San Luis Obispo please share what you learned there!

April 1st Spring Guild Meeting in person! 10-12 am

This will be a members only meeting, in person! Directions to the site with parking suggestions will be sent to all members via email.

We’ll have  the presentation of the slate of nominees for the next Board from the Nominating Committee and the election, then move on to brief  announcements—mentioning the next programs, new meeting site, sign up for future refreshments, reminders of dye day and exhibit  (assistants needed etc.,)  then the survey. While the survey is being filled out, if time permits, we can have a brief show and tell.  Maybe then, a refreshments break and suggestion of seating by interests.