Save the date!
Exclusive visit to Textile Conservation Lab at LACMA confirmed! Monday, March 17. Plan for a full day with bus transportation. RSVP will be required.
Additional details to follow.
Save the date!
Exclusive visit to Textile Conservation Lab at LACMA confirmed! Monday, March 17. Plan for a full day with bus transportation. RSVP will be required.
Additional details to follow.
NOTICE: We will NOT be having our regular first Saturday Guild Meeting this month.
Instead there is a FIELD TRIP planned for the second Saturday and a WoW event too!
6th ANNUAL SALE AND GALLERY SHOW at the Strawbale Barn Weaving Studio
9156 Santa Margarita Rd., in Atascadero
Followed by a visit to an Alpaca Ranch!
Our Santa Barbara Airbus will leave promptly at 8:30am, Sat. Nov.8th from SB Airbus, 750 Technology Dr, Goleta, CA 93117. You can park in back if leaving car at the Airbus.
$25 members/$35 nonmembers
Bring your lunch/snacks/drinks and $
We plan to arrive in Atascardero at approximately 10:30 am and leave the Central Coast Weavers Sale at noon. Weather permitting, we will have lunch at Atascadero Lake (presence of lake not guaranteed.) If it’s cold or rainy we can find a place inside at the Strawbale Barn.
Then we head for the Ranch of the Oaks, to arrive between 2 and 3. This is at 3269 Crucero Rd. Lompoc CA 93436
We will leave Ranch of the Oaks by 5pm, about a 1 hour drive back to the SB Airbus, arrive about 6pm.
Does this sound like fun or what!!
Contact our President or Secretary (see CONTACT page) if you want to reserve a spot!
More shopping in Santa Barbara Nov, 6th and 7th and also on the 15th!
There is a WoW sale around the same time so you can do even more of your early holiday gift buying and snag some really wonderful woven goods. Please see the Wonders of Weaving page for details on that event.