We will be meeting on December 7th for a presentation on laking by Anna Bower, as well as some hands-on time afterward! Following Anna’s presentation, we will be having a potluck. Please RSVP for the potluck by emailing Robin or SBFAG1 @gmail.com. Bring brunch foods to share, and plan on labeling common allergens.
Introduction to Lake Pigments with Anna Bower
Have you ever wondered if there was a use for your leftover dye baths? Rather than pouring this precious liquid down the drain, you can “lake” your dyes and turn them into an insoluble, shelf-stable form. Lake pigments can be used to make watercolor, gouache (opaque watercolor), oil paint, tempera, ink, pastels, crayons, or for any other application with dried pigments such as paper marbling. Join Anna at our December meeting for a lake-making lesson and a chance to mull pigments prepared from the Guild’s 2024 Dye Day into watercolors.
Anna is the Assistant Curator of Living Collections at Ganna Walska Lotusland where she maintains records for all living plants on the property and runs the onsite nursery. She also tends a community garden plot filled with a variety of dye plants and a few vegetables.