Our February Guild meeting is on Saturday, February 3rd, 2018.
9:30AM Social Time
10:00AM Short business meeting followed by DVD video presentation.
Location: Clubhouse at Maravilla Retirement Center
5486 Calle Real, Goleta , CA.
“Elizabeth Zimmerman’s Knitting Workshop”
Part E: Discussion and examples of traditional Fair Isle and Guernsey knitting.
This month’s video presentation is a portion of the classic PBS TV series by Elizabeth Zimmerman, a British-born hand knitting teacher and designer. Known for her unique knitting philosophy and humor, she revolutionized the modern practice of knitting through her books and instructional series on American public television. The series is known for being both educational and entertaining, whatever your background.
Remember to bring items for the raffle.
And don’t forget about show and tell, it’s a great chance to show off your knitting (or anything else)!
We can adjourn to the dining room for lunch afterword if interested!