March 4th Guild Meeting – Vicki Assegued – Fiber Artist


Taking Our Fiber Art Beyond Where We’ve Been

 “My presentation will be focused on thinking, going and working beyond what we usually do with our fiber art work, to expand our creative ideas and outcomes. This includes exploring and discovering new ways to work with fibers, which create exciting new processes and outcomes. I’ll share photos of my work to demonstrate how I apply these practices during my creative process.”

Vicki Assegued, M.A. is an innovative fiber artist, continually experimenting with, and discovering new techniques to bring out a wide range of effects and structures for both 2D and 3D art pieces. Vicki greatly enjoys working with the vast variety and possibilities that fabrics and fibers offer. She loves to share her techniques with her students and support them to create their own unique and stunning fiber art. She teaches privately and through various art schools and exhibits/sells her art at various galleries and shows.

Note: this will be a ZOOM presentation, 10am to 11:30, and here is the link:

Topic: FiberArtsGuild Monthly Meeting with Presenter Vicki Assegued
Time: Mar 4, 2023 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

January 7th, 2023 GUILD Meeting with Kellen Meyer

Kellen’s art is rooted in nature and story. Highly influenced by the natural world, she weaves the wild outdoors into her pieces and brings that love of nature inside. This talk will discuss how she utilizes natural materials including wool, fabric, cotton, wood, paper, willow, reed, etc. and what inspires her process. Each piece created is a unique, one-of-a-kind work of art. Zoom at 10 am.

LINK to join the 1-7-23 Zoom Meeting

Members Only Studio Tour same day 2-4 pm, let Brecia know if you plan on attending!

November 5th Guild Mtg – Lydia Tjioe Hall – One a Day – How Life Informs Process

“Sometimes life gives us constraints and it is our job as makers to embrace and find creative solutions to keep our practice going. This talk will address how time and space limitations have changed my practice, working in multiples, and cover a wide range of works I have done over the years using both metal and fiber. I will also share how my small collective, SPOOL, explores and examines our individual creative journeys as we collaborate on our upcoming show at gallery 203.  I am interested in creating meaning and narrative through form and materials with my sculpture. The materials I use are an intrinsic part of my art making process. By exploring resonances between a single line and densely packed wire, my pieces become metaphors evoking themes of time, change, balance, tension, breath, and decay. These sculptural objects are created through repetitive and time intensive processes such as weaving, netting, and looping. The resulting forms are contemplative sounding boards that echo my impressions and experiences.” –

This will be a ZOOM presentation at 10 am, Saturday, November 5th. The link will be sent to members via email and posted here:

October Guild Meeting – Serge Nepomnin Silk Painter

During the demonstration, Serge will introduce guild members to the body of his work in silk painting. Please see his website for photos!

He will also talk about his creative process and a variety of silk painting techniques, concentrating on the Serti technique as his preferred method. There will be a time for Q&A at the end of the demonstration.

This meeting is via ZOOM on Saturday October 1st at 10am. The link is here: and Guild members will also get it the link via email.

September 3rd Guild Meeting with Brecia Kravolic-Logan

Please join us for our September 3 meeting via Zoom at 10:00 AM With Brecia Kralovic Logan sharing the Women’s Woven Voices project tapestry at HGA Convergence. Brecia is a lifetime member of SBFAG, our Programs Chairperson, and the founder of the Women’s Woven Voices international collaborative art project that supports women’s empowerment through writing, weaving and sharing their stories. Brecia will share the inspiration for, history and evolution of the project highlighting the exhibit at Convergence in Knoxville a couple of weeks ago.

Brecia Kralovic-Logan is a champion of creativity, advocate for women, artist and author. She founded the Women’s Woven Voices project to promote creativity, community, and compassion and her book “ The Spiral of Creativity- Mastering the Art of a Spirited Life” supports people to claim their creative courage. Kralovic-Logan teaches, and lectures at international conferences including HGA convergence, Silk Painters International, Quilts Inc, and exhibits her art work nationally. She currently has work in Small Expressions 2022 as well as in the collections of museums and private collectors. Here is the Zoom link for the September 3 meeting. (This link will also be emailed to members separately a few days before the meeting). Time: September 3, 2022 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting:

August with the Guild

Our usual first Saturday meeting coming up (August 6th) is our annual (Natural) Dye Day in the Park. With Covid in mind we made this a members only meeting last year and are continuing that this year to keep the crowd small. We are fully subscribed with members new and old and looking forward to trying out a number of different dyes and shibori patterning techniques. Lots of Guild member volunteers make this happen!!! This photo is from last year’s event.

June 4th Guild Meeting with Youngmin Lee

Bojagi, The Art of Wrapping Cloths presented by Youngmin Lee

Bojagi (Korean Wrapping Cloths) are pieced together from small scraps of cloth. It is the most unique form of Korean textile art. Bojagi occupied a prominent place in the daily lives of Koreans of all classes. They were used to wrap or carry everything from precious ritual objects to everyday clothes and common household goods also to cover food. It is strikingly contemporary: the designs and colors of bojagi remind one of the works of modern abstract artists. Bojagi can be described as a true form of abstract expressionism. Youngmin Lee will talk about bojagi during this lecture and show her bojagi works after the lecture.

Youngmin Lee is a textile artist living in the San Francisco Bay Area. She studied Clothing and Textile in college and continued her studies and received an MFA in Fashion Design. She worked as a fashion designer in Seoul, South Korea.

She chose Bojagi (Korean wrapping cloths) as her creative medium and presented workshops on Korean Textile Arts including Bojagi workshops. In addition to teaching in person, Youngmin created the DVD Bojagi: The Art of Wrapping Cloths in 2013 to reach people from afar. She teaches numerous workshops about Bojagi and Korean traditional textile art from.

She founded the Korean Textile Tour in 2017 to introduce Korean traditional textile art and culture.

Youngmin’s bojagi works have been exhibited and collected throughout the United States and abroad. The Asian Art Museum of San Francisco has her works in the museum collection. Her three bojagi artwork is currently showing at the Korean gallery in the museum until September 2022.

This is a ZOOM meeting:

Topic: Santa Barbara Fiber Arts Guild with Youngmin Lee 

Time: Jun 4, 2022 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 835 9199 0707